Monday, December 9, 2013

CONNECT: November 27, 2013

May you "get to" too!
Every week for the last few years I've sat down, usually on Wed or Thursday, to write a weekly note that involves our work in the world of Prevention, Wellness, and the related......something that celebrates Human Achievement and honors the pursuit of it.  Once per month that same note goes out to a broader audience (you all) using a very simple sign-off - "now go do something extraordinary" - which hopefully makes it clear what we believe: that each and every person we are lucky enough to work with is truly capable of - the extraordinary - AND that when you MOVE enough, FUEL well, RECOVER adequately, ENDURE both the good times and those difficult, and CONNECT with the right people on your way, extraordinary can even be predictable!  And yet, this week I found myself searching for words.....rare, I know.
Sure, the obvious choice would be to write a quick Thank-You to all of our clients, for allowing us to be part of their journey......but with catlike reflexes Eric jumped all over that in his monthly note to the (M360) training clients......he's pretty quick.....but then, after scratching a bunch of less worthy ideas, sometime shortly after 7A, I was inspired by a very simple, less than five minute conversation.
A friendly face walked into the room prior to a presentation I was scheduled to give, shook my hand and we had an exchange for a bit about the upcoming holiday.  If you were to read the dialog it would seem like chatter at best.....but it wasn't. What struck me was the genuine smile as the gentleman answered my very boring "anything special planned for the holiday?" question.  He looked me right in the eyes, smiled and said "I get to spend time with my wife.....that's pretty special".
YES!  He's EXACTLY right.
It's not quite over but 2013 has been an incredible, and sometimes roller coaster-esque year.  So many exciting adventures, and still some very hard "lows".  Today alone I got to "like" the joy of a new birth and within the hour feel the cutting despair of a family's loss.  It made me realize exactly how right that genuine smile, only a few hours earlier was.  
We might each use a slightly different set of terms, perhaps maybe use the word "family" or "kids" or "friend" or "husband" or "loved one" or "pet" or "self" or WHATEVER in place of "wife" in his statement......but the wisdom of the statement remains:  I get to spend time......that's pretty special. Nothing extraordinary......but NOTHING ordinary about it.
I hope you get-to too......and if you're looking for a group to join up with, look for the sea of green in-and- around Flemington, NJ at 8:45 AM tomorrow.
Now go do something TOTALLY ordinary,
Mike Eisenhart, PT

Managing Partner, Pro-Activity



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