Monday, November 11, 2013

CONNECT: November 4, 2013

This and That and the Year of YOU

Earlier this year (and a few times since), I've referenced "the year of YOU" in these weekly communications as a way to draw attention to the habit that so many of us share of putting ourselves at the very bottom of a very long list of priorities; sometimes with our health at the very-very bottom.  Certainly, we've got great reasons to: whether it be kids we're chasing, a demanding job we're working hard at or other folks and projects in our life that are worthy of our attention, it's so common to hear people lament that they just don't have the time to put healthy actions near the top of their list. So we spend a fair amount of time giving examples of why YOU deserve a spot that's perhaps a bit higher on YOUR list.  No, we're not pushing for selfish acts here.....we're pushing for investments in the engine that keeps the list progressing.  Take the YOU out of YOUR list and nothing gets done. It's of course very simple to say, and extremely difficult to do, but since almost all difficult challenges can be overcome with the right plan, we keep ringing that bell.

So why am I ringing this bell again now?  Because as I'm writing, it's Halloween, the unofficial-official start of the Holiday of the busiest times of the year.  And if you're anything like "a guy I know", you're teetering dangerously on the edge of allowing yourself to drop right off the bottom of the list entirely.

You see, "this guy I know" (let's call him Guy), used to start the holiday-season with a consumption of candy that bordered on pathological.  Each sugary bite rushing another high-five to the reward centers of his brain.  YES!  His limbic-system would scream as he started to look for other goodies to, you know, "test".  Eventually (usually because his children began melting down like something out of a horror-film as their mom-induced "candy-stop order" kicked in), Guy would call it a night.  The next day the testing continued and it generally lasted until the middle of November when the only thing left were smarties and others from the dreaded "worst candy list" (find the list HERE).  That stretch was a bit of a downer, but not to worry THANKSGIVING was right around the corner.  It wouldn't be long until the feast that could easily trigger a recruiting call from the MLE (that's "Major League Eating" and YES, it exists) would commence.  Now, Guy isn't a big person, but he's got stamina.....he could easily go the 12 round champion-distance with Tom the Turkey.....and be back the next day ready for leftovers.  Of course, turkey-day didn't have the shelf-life of Halloween, which made the next couple of weeks dicey.....but with the ever-present push to get the holidays started earlier, cookie season would lead to holiday-parties and eventually a day of food AND gifts!  And somewhere around December 27th, Guy would start thinking about how next-year he'd have to do things he'd have to make a greater effort......and how January 1st was a great time to start.  And with some final festivities and a wave goodbye to the current year, this poor Guy would resolve to change.

Amazingly, a few years back, "this Guy" changed his routine; he became "that Guy" (which is totally different).  It started with the Turkey Trot, a local 3.1 mile (5K) race that Guy walked with his kids.....he was part of a team and it was nice to see everyone before heading off to "the feast".  He still feasted, but oddly, wasn't as hungry and was OK only going a round or two with Tom.  A year later, it became a good reason to stay fit leading up to Thanksgiving, a reason to train and a chance to meet a goal.  A year later it was back with the kids, but this time THEY were working toward a goal and he was just there to set a good example.  The following year some more friends from work decided to get in on the mix as THEY worked toward their goals......and before he knew it, his holiday routine had completely changed.  Sure, he's still got this thing for Halloween sugar......but he's learned enough that he can keep it in check.......and this thing with Christmas cookies is still there, but that can be controlled by keeping them out of sight....and, maybe surprisingly at first, the small victories have helped.....but the most important victory is that the holiday-season is no longer a time of abandonment of his health.

When it comes down to it, it was just a simple decision of "this" or "that", one that anyone can make.  There's still time to make 2013 the year of YOU, go ahead, be "that Guy".....

And if you need a turkey trot to get you started, I just happen to know where a team of 200 or more will be getting together......we'd be honored to have you and your family and friends there too as part of the tradition!  Start HERE if you're interested.

Have a great weekend,

Mike E.  



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