Monday, October 21, 2013

ENDURE: October 18, 2013

The 3-Up's

This past weekend I volunteered at BaseCamp 31’s 3rd Annual OhFar 5k Race at the Unionville Winery. Stationed at the top of the first hill, a little less than a mile into the race, I had a great vantage point. Watching the first runners bound up the hill was an awesome sight as they seemingly were unaffected by the hill. Then came the rest of the runners and their varying degrees of enjoyment.  There I was at the top of the hill, yelling directions and taking pictures as everyone passed me; I wanted to run but was happy that I could vicariously take part in the energy all the runners were feeling.

As a runner of ultra-distances, I often race alone for hours, rarely seeing a competitor or support volunteer.  But when they appear on the course, you find yourself saying “thanks for being here” so many times because it just feels so good to know that someone cares enough to be there for you, doing what they can to help you reach your goal.  On Saturday, I found myself in that same situation, except I was the volunteer, and while the runners weren’t out there for hours, some thanked me, others high-fived me, and some even smiled for the camera, inspiring me along the way and making me feel good knowing I was helping.  

As the last runner approached me enroute to running back down the hill, I clapped and cheered. She stopped and looked at me and said that she didn’t think she was going to make it, that she started out too fast and that now she was alone and going to drop out.

“Nah, you don’t want to do that, let’s run together for a little bit.” As we ran, I offered encouragement, made her laugh, told her stuff to help her regain focus.   “Why are you doing this?” she asked. “I want to do this and…..I believe you have the 3-Ups.”  “What is that?”  “It’s something I made up. They are: the courage to sign-up,  the guts to show-up & ……..” “That’s pretty cool, what’s the third up?” “I’ll tell you at the finish line.”

As we approached the aid station, we caught up to a group of four, and she seemed encouraged, she wanted to go on, she would stay with them. “Yeah!!!” I thought.

Standing at the finish line, I cheered as all the runners crossed the line. “Where’s my group of five?” I wondered and started to walk along the course. After getting about a quarter mile, I found “my group.” They were all smiles, each one high-fiveing me as they passed.  But the biggest smile was on the face of  “that girl.”  “Thanks Joe!” she said as she started to pass me. “Don't thank me, you’ve got the third up” I responded: “The heart to put up!”   

To all those with the “3-ups”: The courage to sign-up, the guts to show-up and the heart to put-up…..Make a goal, chase it, and don’t stop till you achieve it!

Always Believe,
~ Joe G.



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