CONNECT: October 24, 2013
An Interview with Erica Von Borstel & Gina Strouse
Joe G: Welcome Erica and Gina and congratulations to you both on your accomplishments. Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed.
Erica: Thank you!
Gina: Thank you, I appreciate being here!
JG: So fill us in...what’s the deal with these Rocketeers?
Gina: Well, when our team started the Fuel Good Cafe, we wanted to be sure we chose a logo that represented what we believed in; strong bodies who could rocket themselves through the challenges of life when “fueled good” in good nutrition. We named her “Rocket Girl” since she proudly wears the rocket fuel pack on her back, and well...I decided to make her come to life by creating and wearing a “rocket girl costume” while I raced in various endurance events. The response I got from those who saw me was inspiring...people making positive comments (especially women)..and although it might seem silly...I just felt strong….almost like an alias super hero...and then it struck me….what if I could share the “rocket on your back” feeling with other women….would they get the same inspired feeling...and how would I go about finding them?....and then serendipitously, the phone rang with a call from a client-friend who was looking for a coach and some inspiration for a group of her friends who wanted to complete a half marathon…..and just like that…”Rocket Girls”, a group of strong, independent women, was born! And after some regular coaching sessions and fueling tips, a few dinners and long training miles together on the road, our initial team of 21 “Rocket Girls” completed the Central Park Women’s Half-marathon! There are few times in my life where I’ve witnessed something that has made me more proud that this. It was so great to have had the opportunity to work with these women, hear their stories, and learn about the adversity they had endured to get across that finish line, that we decided it should be shared by all - and when a few men took us up on this year’s team, we changed the name to the Rocketeers.
JG: Wow, that is awesome! And how about you Erica, how did you get mixed in with these superstars?
Erica: Well, I’ve been training here at Pro-Activity, and running regularly about a year, but to be honest, I don't really consider myself a runner in the traditional sense. I don’t invest a ton of time into it or do it to compete, but instead enjoy it as one of my hobbies and an important outlet for managing stress. This year, I really wanted to choose a fitness goal that I believed was attainable and challenging at the same time. So in May, I decided this was a good race course for my first half marathon and knowing that it wasn't something I would be doing alone made it seem less daunting, and plus, Lindsay Eisenhart told me to!!
JG: When did you start training with the Rocketeers?
Erica: Well, I signed up at the beginning of the summer, but did most of my training on my own. Actually, I don’t think I ever made it to a group training run, but Gina's emails kept me involved, and moving in the right direction.
JG: How many people were part of the Philly Half training?
Gina: There were 18 racers and about 5 or so “loudmouths.” The “loudmouths” are the name we call our team of cheerers. Mostly everyone wanted to finish the race and have a good time. And so our goals were met.
JG: Did everyone who trained with you go to the starting line?
Gina: Well, we lost a few along the way, some for great reasons like happy baby news, and a couple others with unfortunate aches and pains that got in the way, but we also had some last minute entries step in and ran in place of those who couldn’t. Matching bibs were the last of our worries.
JG: So take us through the program. How many weeks was it? Did you train together? How did you communicate workouts?
Gina: We offered an intermediate/advanced program for those that have done half marathons before and a beginner program for the novice. Both were 10 weeks but before the 10 weeks commenced, we always recommend our Rocketeers build up to a solid base, where each could run up to 4 miles before beginning the program. Every Monday I sent out an email with a day-by-day training plan for that week and we offered fun runs every Thursday night and Saturday morning with the team.
JG: Sounds like a great program. What were some of the challenges you each faced as runner and coach, respectively?
Erica: Finding the time!!!! Between work and my kids, who are 3 and 6, plus the muggy heat waves and rain, didn't help motivate me to get out and run.
Gina: Well, while email is great, sometimes things can get lost in translation and I have to remember that not everyone understand “running lingo”, so sometimes I’d have to double back on what I’d write to make sure everyone was receiving and understanding the information being provided.
JG: Erica, as a father of three young boys, I can relate. How did you get through these challenges?
Erica: I continued strength training the whole time. And I realized that even if I couldn't do the full recommended miles for any particular day or weekend, at least doing some was better than doing nothing. I think the training program that Gina put together was very effective.
JG: Gina, besides the training plan, how did you make sure this group felt like a team?
Gina: Well, no team would be complete without fantastic uniforms, so I designed - and had made - bright pink tech t shirts for everyone… And yes the men loved it. But in addition to the team uniform, and weekly team fun runs, we had a few info sessions, team dinners, and coordinated race weekend hotel stays, a pre-race dinner together, and even race morning transport for those that wanted to commute in on race morning. And then, on race morning, we all met beforehand to ensure we all walked to the start together and fed off each other’s energy.
JG: Ok, Erica - you’re the first timer right? This one’s for you….It’s race morning.... What’s going through your head?
Erica: I don't remember anything specifically at first! I was very excited and the energy was great. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather. There were so many spectators and people who come out to cheer you on, whether they know you or not. They make really funny and entertaining signs, and it is all so encouraging, you feel like you just HAVE to meet your goal. But I also stayed completely in the moment, for the most part. I didn't worry how I was going to feel at mile 10 when I was at mile 4. But then, once I got to mile 10, I just couldn't wait to cross the finish line!!! And I have to give much thanks to Lindsay. She stuck with me the whole time, although she could have left me in the dust, and she was a great source of support. I've run other races that were shorter distances and I did those by myself, but for my first time on a course that long and a race that big, I was really grateful to have her company!
JG: Erica, what you did is the model we all strive for: you set a goal, you trained for it and then you accomplished it. How does this feel?
Erica: Better than I anticipated! It's exhilarating.
JG: Gina, what’s it like to coach a group of people? And how does it feel knowing that everyone finished the race?
Gina: Sometimes it’s challenging. Sometimes it’s nerve wracking. But most of all, it’s so rewarding. Hearing, “I WILL NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DO A HALF MARATHON” change to “MAN, I’M SORE... THAT WAS AWESOME!” is probably one of the most powerful and amazing experiences in the be a part of it is even better.
JG: What advice would you guys give to someone else who has an interest in achieving a new goal?
Erica: Stay out of your own way!! We can all find a million reasons why we cannot accomplish something, be it time, injuries, illness and other obligations. So many of us, especially those who are moms, are so focused on helping others achieve their goals, we forget that it is important to nurture our own interests too. I think it makes you a better parent and a better person.
Gina: Oh that one’s easy Joe… starts with a crazy idea...with enough thought it becomes a goal….enough care it becomes a plan...and with the right fuel and friends to support you along the way….before achievement! Oh, and a rocket pack helps!
JG: Thank you both again for sharing your story, and congratulations on achieving your goals - great job!
Erica: Thank you, Joe. And I have to thank Pro-Activity and all the other Rocketeers for all the motivation and support!!
Gina: Thanks Joe….it fuels’s not rocket science!
“Always Believe”
~By Joe G.