Thursday, December 10, 2015

RECOVER: 11/20/15 Pressing Pause

Spoiler Summary: Head's's a great time of year to look around.

I was reading a blog recently that was talking about "dreaming season" was geared toward endurance athletes who often use the late fall to reflect, refocus and reset their goals.  It's a short window for those who train year-round and one of the paragraphs really made me think:

"...that process and putting in the work is what links all endurance athletes. Training with purpose, towards a goal makes you feel like you've pushed your envelope just a bit further that day.  Daily training allows you to say "yes I can" and gives you a chance to overcome the doubt and fear during every session"

I really liked the sentiment because it spoke in real terms....and described, pretty closely in my opinion, to what it's "really like".  The author didn't glamorize what it means to be an athlete, instead talked about the purpose, goals, and work involved; the motivation and very real victory that comes with overcoming personal limiters.....the author acknowledged the grit that it takes to keep trudging forward when it's easier to stop; not making it out be good or bad....but rather just to "be".

The more I thought about it, the more I found myself hoping the next few days could be used the same way for all of us.  Maybe not an entire season to dream....but maybe at least a few hours to put the juggles of life on pick our heads up from the endurance race we're all competing in....not necessarily to lose sight of the challenges in our path or what sure seems like evils in the world, but maybe let them go out of focus for a bit.  Maybe, just for a few minutes to enjoy a moment doing what the upcoming holiday is all about.....remembering that even in the face of challenges, with strength and gratitude for the many things that have gone right, we can recharge and be ready for the next hurdle we will certainly face. 

I hope on the grand scheme, regardless of the work it takes and the fatigue that so often comes from doing that work.....we all have much to be thankful for....

If we don't cross paths before then, have a great holiday,

Mike E.



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