CONNECT: July 19, 2013
It's funny the way it is......
After wrapping up a presentation to a small (but lively) group who always has great questions, one of the guys in the group walked down the hall with me chatting. He was describing how he and his wife had teamed up to clean up their family's diet. They had start eating far more fresh fruits and veggies, had eliminated processed foods wherever possible and were getting creative with their cooking. The result? He had lost 40 lbs, felt great, with far more energy and was doing great.....and even though he still had a few health-habits he was targeting, changing his nutrition had been a big personal win (not to mention setting his young family up with some great habits for the future). Of course, there's nothing really "funny" about this - it's a great story and one that many people can benefit from. The funny (ironic) part was that he only offered me the story in passing because he knew that I would appreciate it......and although many of his colleagues could likely benefit from the lessons he's learned along the way (and who wouldn't get some benefit from the health changes?).....he was reluctant to share the story with the other folks in his group because he didn't think they'd "get it". Funny the way it is........if you think about it.
We see this play out so often.......a scenario where doing something healthy or good is kept quiet and doing something harmful or self-destructive is front page news. Although not the only example that comes to mind, perhaps it's telling that instead of hearing that more than 8 out of every 10 American adults are non-smokers (the current stat), we hear that 20% smoke (putting the less than ideal behavior up front)...... Or how about the fact that although eating a healthier diet, staying active (150 min/wk), maintaining a normal weight and not-smoking were associated with an approximate 80% lower risk of all-cause death over a seven year study-period compared to those who employed none of those behaviors (American Journal of Epidemiology), it's far more likely to hear people talk about how much they hate exercise or eating healthy (seemingly forgetting that a chronic disease is no walk in the park) while the people who are doing it and feeling better than ever keep it to themselves.....funny the way it is.......if you think about it.
Maybe it's because people are humble or maybe because they're afraid they might not stick with it........I don't really know......but I do know that many people just need a little nudge to get going.....and there is no better nudge than the support of friends and colleagues. And so, if you've read this far, I have a request for you: If you are one of the many who have been quietly working toward better health or prevention....I urge you to share your success, preferably with others. If you're not quite ready to, please know that my team is ALWAYS ready to hear a great story about these types of achievements.....we want to celebrate it with you.......and happily be your amplifier if you'll allow it. You never do know, yours might be the story that puts the wheels in motion for someone else to make a life-changer......and there's nothing funny about that.
Have a great weekend,
Mike E.