Monday, July 15, 2013

CONNECT: July 4, 2013

It's About the Freedom

The Declaration of Independence is about 1200 words and 56 signatures......and then a whole bunch of work, many sacrifices and a continual pursuit to get it just right for nearly 240 years.  Talk about a bold statement followed up by the courage to back it up.  And although I'm no historian or political scholar, I consider this a shining example of what people can do when they are fully committed, when they are all in.
There's no need to belabor the point, it's simple enough - we hope that each and every day you are making a personal declaration to be independent of the oppressive burden of disease, and the unalienable rights.......not to BE anything per se, but to have life, liberty and fully PURSUE happiness with friends and family for a very long time.
Happy Birthday to US.
Have a great weekend,
Mike E.    



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