It's Time to Bring Out Your "A" Game
A few months ago we were all looking forward to these days.....and now they're here, 90 days of fun in the sun....something like that anyway..... It's true, Summer doesn't officially begin until June 21st this year, but most everyone knows that from Memorial Day to (at least) Labor Day, many folks go into "summer mode". The school year is winding down, the temperature starts to go up and we expect our bodies to respond without difficulty. Will they?
Are you ready? Have you used the last 30 or so days to bring up your fitness level and still balance out the effort with enough rest to be fully charged as we head into the heat?
Are you feeling energized and optimistic? We of course hope so, but just in case there are a few procrastinators out there still - we decided to use this week's communication to reiterate some of the important points to get to the other side of summer safely and feeling strong:
1. Heat as a stressor - Sure the heat can get us down, but if you give it the respect it deserves, it doesn't have to. The first thing to ALWAYS remember is that as the body temperature goes up, the heart has to work harder to stay cool. Just like running your air conditioner requires more power (which increases usage and cost), so does regulating your body temperature. There is a definite "cost" that will leave you a bit more fatigued than perfect conditions until you ramp up. The good news is, in as little as a couple of weeks your body will begin to adapt. So the take home message is - respect the heat and listen to your body, ESPECIALLY during the first few weeks of steady heat.
2. Hydration - It's not the only way to stay cool......but adequate hydration is a major weapon against the heat. Notice the word "adequate" - this doesn't mean you need to guzzle water all day......but, more than likely you need to increase your hydration to balance out sweat losses, especially if you're primarily outdoors. Despite MANY claims that exist, there is no exactly right formula for everyone......8 glasses (x8 oz) is the "old standby" - but even that can be wrong for you depending on your dietary habits, sweat rate, level of conditioning, etc. Although not super pleasant to discuss in detail, urine color, (under normal conditions) in an otherwise healthy person, can be a decent guide......clear once a day is reasonable rule of thumb (certain medications and vitamins/supplements can throw this way consult w/healthcare provider for more detail). Hydration is a source of much debate as in many cases the risk of OVER hydrating is as significant as becoming dehydrated. If you have questions, please reach out.
3. Cold Therapy - Now is the time, especially during the acclimatization phase (first few weeks), to give your body a little TLC and to make sure you RECOVER. Got that "weak" body part that always talks back this time of year? A well placed bag of frozen-peas may be all it takes (20 minutes "on" in most cases, again reach out for clarification). Cryotherapy (cold) can be an excellent way to control inflammation and maximize recovery. Think about the pitcher who comes off the mound after a long outing.....why do they wrap their arms in ice? They're not injured.....but they've certainly pushed themselves close at do you, maximize your recovery efforts.
4. Rest - Thankfully most people seem to be heeding this advice......but not everyone. The extra workload, whether that be additional work or just the added "heat tax", means extra need to recover, which is why we feel run-down during this phase of the year. Your body will reward you if you give it a little extra time to recover. Can you steal an extra hour of sleep from your otherwise hectic schedule?
5. Tune In - Find that it's harder to focus during the summer months? So does everyone careful out there - keep an extra eye out for those individuals battling distractions. More people out and about - kids especially - make things that much more risky. Set yourself up to succeed. Any distraction you can eliminate puts the odds that much more in your favor.
6. Try something new - There are so many benefits to eating fresh fruits and veggies and there is no better time to give it a shot. Find a farmer's market near you and try a new recipe. Do you know what Kohlrabi is? Be courageous, find out.
These of course are not the "only" things that matter, but they are some of the simple things that can put the odds in our favor during the heat of summer.
And however you remember the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our continued freedom, we hope it will be with great health for all those around you.
Have a great holiday weekend,
Mike E.