Tuesday, June 10, 2014

MOVE: May 30, 2014

Decoding ACHIEVEMENT: InPursuit, InSpire

Spoiler Summary: It's graduation season - but whether you're in-line for a diploma or not, the commencement address is talking to you!

48 hours ago I had no real idea who Howard Thurman was.  Although maybe not a total surprise that as a Hunterdon County, NJ "local" and product of the 80's/90's I wasn't super in-tune with the life and history of pacifist civil-rights leader who was born in 1899.....I heard a quote of his this week that made me want to learn more:

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE....and go do it! Because what the world needs is people who have come alive"

Messages such as this: "love what you do", "chase your dreams", "follow your passion" seem to be everywhere this time of year as students of all levels prepare for graduation and the next phase of their journey, but in my opinion, Howard Thurman NAILED IT!  He managed, in less than 30 words, to capture something powerful and as pertinent today as ever.

Of course in the era of 140 character micro-blogging (Twitter) and the now ubiquitous "hashtag" - we've tried to reduce it to 9 characters (#InPursuit)....but the quote, 139 characters as written, in many ways explains what being InPursuit is and what the bigger picture of Human Achievement (health/well-being/prevention/performance) is all about.

Being awake and aware (alive) is only the start.....and it doesn't end there. He couldn't have meant alive, as in "having a pulse"....but ALIVE, as in, invigorated....passionate; but that's not all. He goes on to make a call to action (doing it).....not thinking, not talking.....doing. Despite the fears, despite the risk of failure, despite the naysayers, despite the effort required - getting over all of that and still doing it;  And then, some reassurance that since the world, whether the local community or the global community, is always a little short on passionate doers, coming alive and doing it is meaningful and worthy.

If only it were easy. It's pretty hard to MOVE ourselves to action without the right mix of FUEL. It's unlikely that we could possibly ENDURE the trials and setbacks that are a normal part of the process of being the best version of ourselves (the long road) if we don't make an active effort to RECOVER along the way when we need it....and, even if we did all of that....living "alive" as the quote suggests would never have the same impact in isolation as it does when we CONNECT with the world around us. Not easy.....but worth it.

In the last month we've seen some unbelievable moments of triumph, we've also seen some painful setbacks. We've seen efforts-rewarded and we've also seen some faith-in-effort tested.  We've seen some folks who found the deeper well of confidence and resilience needed to excel and others who needed to tap reserves that made them question whether it was "in them" in the first place.  There are simpler paths......and any one of us could probably figure out how to mindlessly stumble through some (or all) of the ride....but the world doesn't need more zombies.....the world needs people who have come alive.

Whether it be the competitor who is committed to finding (or pushing) their limits, the everyday-athlete who is working to deliver the very best result in the workplace, or the parent/colleague/friend who is willing to do the "juggle & struggle" so someone they care about has a better chance of success in their pursuit - getting to stand at the crossroads of "coming alive" and "doing" as often as we do is a real honor. In 32 Characters: Your #InPursuit is Our #InSpire.

I still don't know much about Howard Thurman (yet), but I think he was onto something. Whether you're well on your way to doing it, or just coming alive, there's a health or performance achievement with your name on it.....and we're ready to help when you need it.

Now, go do something extraordinary,

Mike Eisenhart, PT
Managing Partner, Pro-Activity



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