Monday, March 17, 2014

MOVE: March 7, 2014

Zoom out and then Zoom in.....

Spoiler summary: Big picture, small picture, details.....they all matter when you're trying to be the best you.

A few months ago I was sitting in a conference and the age old topic of "forests" and "trees" came know, being so deep into the details (trees) that you lose sight of the main point of being there in the first place (forest)'s a common issue and one that on occasion I get stuck re-learning the balance of.  Of course there were two sides - the folks who couldn't see the trees and those who got lost amongst them....and so it goes.
So which is it?  Big picture or the details that matter most? Are you a forest person or a trees person?  Well.....maybe it's a both thing. Jim Collins, a well-known business author that I enjoy is known for his style of comparing the best against the "also-ran." In one of his most recent books he uses the phrase "zoom out and then zoom in."  Although he's typically talking about business leaders and the businesses they run, it's a principle that makes total sense for health & prevention too.  
Zoom out - what's the real goal here?  What are you really after?  What's the real "job" you're looking to do? Maybe it's increasing your quality of life....or increasing your overall well-being. These are the kind of zoom out, big picture goals that matter at first. Once you've got it - then ZOOM IN - what exactly does the goal mean? How will you know you're successful? How will you measure it? Maybe it's being able to confidently stand by and witness your grand kids get married (that's a pretty specific moment of well-being right?)....maybe it's to work for thirty years and walk out the door fit and ready to enjoy the good life (specific quality of life)......whatever it is, zooming-in to that level gets you amongst the trees........and that's where the roots live, so once you know which forest you want to be in, you can start cultivating the soil and growing roots.
The last few weeks have been busy and exciting.  More people at every turn seem to have come to terms with what their own "zoom out" is. Many are realizing how important and delicate the balance between health, safety and prevention really is....and how much better they feel in the moments when that balance is achieved......for them (and for many) we think it's getting very near the time to zoom in.  Maybe that's you.
For those that have the zoom-out, we're ready to get to the roots - so don't be surprised that if in the moment, when we see that glimmer of readiness in you - we challenge you to zoom in - to get down to the details and push into the sometimes uncomfortable place amongst the trees where the little things make a big difference and get things done.
A safe workplace is achievable.  Prevention is attainable. A long and healthy life is worth it - and anyone, with the right tools who's willing to do the work of cultivating the soil can get there.  If you see us before we see it in you - just let us know when you're ready to zoom in.
Have a great week,
Mike E.



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