More from the mirror......
Several weeks back I sent a note that talked about mirror neurons, the "hard-wires" that cause our brain to mimic what we literally run the electrical circuits that unfold in front of us. In case you missed it - here's a simple recap - recent research has found a structure in the brain (called the mirror neurons) which is key to our ability to learn. We see something happen (good or bad doesn't matter) and our brains fire the neurological circuits that would be responsible for doing the thing we saw....even if we don't actually do it. The reason why this is so important is that every single one of us is impacting the learning of the other. We literally "watch and learn" everything we do.....from a very early age. I ended that particular communication by asking you (the reader) to think about what reflection you're creating in the world around you....
So although mirror neurons were not the topic I had expected to cover this week....after seeing a very powerful video I felt like I had to. So whereas you know I'm never short on words in these communications - I'm simply going to ask you to take the (at least) 6 minutes it would take to read the weekly update and instead spend 6 min watching THIS VIDEO......and when you're finished, ask yourself what is being mirrored back to you every day?
Have a great weekend,
Mike E.
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