ENDURE: Jan. 2013
Such an important word in the human language isn't it? My kids call it the "ultimate" question.....because it could go on forever...why? but why? why?........of course that was before they realized every parent is armed with the ultimate response: "because I said so".
In all seriousness though, this is a critical question, especially when it comes to prevention and wellness. It is the question that gets us past the low hanging fruit and up where the real juicy stuff is......it's the question that once we can answer, whether on our own or with the help of others supplying information, can drive us to achieve whatever goal we set out for ourselves; because at that moment, when we are satisfied with the answer, we can let go of doubts, see the holes in whatever excuses we've been harboring and fully commit to the work required.
If you're reading this, take five minutes and try a simple exercise.....and just see where it goes:
I assume you're interested in improving your health or achieving some goal? Why is it important? Is it to be able to do something? Is it to be able to provide for someone? Do you believe you can do it? Why? Who else influences your health-related actions? Why? How much influence do they have? Why? Are they a positive or negative influencer? Why? Do you influence their health-related actions? Why? What would be the easiest thing you could do to influence their health-related actions? Why? What could they do to help you? Why would that help? And on and on and on......
Besides getting annoyed, most people who I pester like this eventually get to some version of a few simple catch-all statements:
1. Because it is important to me (I value it)
2. Because I enjoy it (I value it)
3. Because it feels right (I value it)
And.....the moment you realize exactly how much you value "it" is the moment you'll work until you achieve it.....that's why.
Now Go Do Something Extraordinary!
-Mike E.
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