Thursday, September 13, 2012

CONNECT: September 2012

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs...

If you’ve been around our facility lately, or simply driven by, you may have noticed our most recent addition to the exterior decor (pictured right), but if you’re like some that have strolled in may be asking “What’s this whole BaseCamp31 idea all about?  Do you sell camping gear?"   Well....not really...but it's a fair question I guess.  Let me shed a little more light in hopes that our vision might become more clear.

While Pro-Activity & Fuel Good Cafe (the for profit sides of our business) exist within the building we've branded “BaseCamp31”, the vision for this facility has been about helping the people in our community, whether current clients or not, old or young, local or remote, to go further and achieve more on their own personal journey.......and the more we talked about it, the more we liked the image of climbing a mountain and reaching a summit, it just made sense.  Although not climbers per se, most people understand that reaching "BaseCamp" on a challenging climb is an achievement all itself and yet, like we hoped our version would represent, reaching "BaseCamp" is only the beginning of the really challenging part of the journey.....exactly the kind of imagery we were after.  

So to answer the question directly, No, we don't sell hiking or climbing gear. Rather, we are working hard to create a BaseCamp "environment" - a place where anyone can find the provisions for their journey, a place to get support and connect with others, to share insight and experience, and gain valuable resources for the journey ahead.  Our belief is simple: when the whole community has access to ALL of the human elements (MOVE, FUEL, RECOVER, ENDURE), and a place to CONNECT, along with others traveling a similar path, reaching the summit (i.e. the "achievement" however you personally define it) is not just a dream or what-if scenario, but a very real expectation.  


BaseCamp31 (formerly IHENJ, INC) is an independent 501c(3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation with a mission to foster a healthy community through shared experiences of like-minded individuals. Although supported in large part by charitable donations made by Pro-Activity Associates, LLC and with many parallel components of its mission, BaseCamp31 is not legally bound to Pro-Activity in any way, they are separate companies. We are super-excited that in 2013 we will be able to devote greater time and resources than we ever have to growing this portion of the community model.  

We'll have some information on new member enrollment in late 2012, but until then, as you've certainly come to expect by now, we'll continue to develop and evolve the concept. Your involvement as a member in that effort is KEY. Consider getting involved in some of the current BaseCamp 31 initiatives, drag some friends along and let us know of other areas you’d like to see:

  • BaseCamp 31 Food Club - bringing the freshest locally grown produce, dairy, and meat, and raising funds for the under-served in the process.

  • Community Service / Scholarship - each year members of the BC31 community donate their time and energy at various events that share the ideals of our mission, in exchange for financial donations to BC31.  These donations are then turned over as scholarship for graduates of local high schools.  Click on the link if interested in our next volunteering opportunity, or to get involved with this committee.
  • Endurance Sporting Events - what started as a handful of existing clients and staff sponsored by Pro-Activity, has grown into a small community of endurance enthusiasts.  From beginner to advanced, it's not about how fast or how far, but instead about getting to one finish line, working toward others and the relationships you make along the way.



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